Senin, 25 Desember 2006

A Holiday Greeting

December is just about to end.
Where did the year go?

Again, we are going to start another January with hopes and loves

and within a blink of an eye, 2006 is on its back!

I would like to say Thank You to all the people in my life that have been so nice to me throughout the year.

Thank you for all your contribution and cooperation, especially for those who have never been tired to give me supports and inspirations through e-mails, blogs, videos, or photos.

Merry Christmas to all of you because Christmas is for all, for everybody who put "love" on his or her important lists in life.

Have a happy holiday. God bless you all the way.

3 komentar:

  1. Hi Linda! Thanks for being my friend too! :P Semoga semua baik dalam tahun baru! ~.^

  2. Hi Linda! Thanks for being my friend too! :P Semoga semua baik dalam tahun baru! ~.^

  3. yeeaaa --lagi..
    kenapa postnya dobel2 tooohh

    selamat lagi deehhh
    cieee..bakal ada pendatang baru noy di bali
    see you around???
