Jumat, 20 September 2013

Weekend Getaway to Pari Island: See The Bright Side

Our Trip this time taught us to be grateful no matter how uncomfortable the situation was.

The Tour and Travel we trust didn't do what they supposed to do, so we didn't get what we suppose to have. Our group was deposited to another tour guide who already had 60 people in his own group, heading to the same destination. Our group had 13 people, so it became 73 people altogether.

We're grateful for our local tour guide, Pak Udin. He had much experience with this Tour and Travel, which apparently been cheating several times for not serving their customers right.

Our Lodge for 13 people (2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)

We're grateful because Pak Udin still served us, even though The Tour and Travel did not pay him for the travel service over the past two weeks. He was trying to get full Air Conditioner lodge for us, according to what had been stated in the agreement. Although the number of mattress weren't enough for all of us, we slept well at night and woke up in the morning with none of our body parts aches. :)

Virgin Beach

We enjoyed the beautiful Virgin Beach: white sand, clear water, full of mangroves and fish breeding.
We enjoyed the beautiful coral reefs of the Thousand Islands, although the boat we used was not as big as other boats and also had no roof that caused us sun-drenched, like having a free skin-tanning facility that we did not really want.
We still could get the underwater pictures from another guide's camera.
We shared a fresh and super yummy grilled squid at the Barbeque after given a plate of not-really fresh tuna.

Our Boat for Snorkeling and Island Hopping

 Saying "Hello" to our friends in another world ;)

Our disappointment paid off by the beauty of this island. We had so much fun and planned to go back there again! Not with the same Tour and Travel, of course!

Pari Island is beautiful and gives us (especially me) another experience that we'd never had before.

Kamis, 19 September 2013

"Bebek aja bisa ngantri..."

Lelaki itu meletakkan beberapa lembar KTP bersama setumpuk kertas pemesanan tiket kereta di samping saya, di konter yang sama. Saya melihatnya keheranan, mencoba meraba-raba alasan mengapa dia berani melakukan itu ketika saya belum selesai bertransaksi dengan petugas layanan pemesanan tiket. Saya mencoba untuk berkonsentrasi dengan pesanan saya yang belum kelar-kelar, tapi rupanya tindakan Bapak ini betul-betul mengganggu saya.
Saya menoleh pada antrian panjang di belakang saya. Mereka tampak begitu rapi mengantri, kecuali Bapak satu ini.

"Pak, antrinya dari belakang," saya mengingatkan.
"Gak papa, mbak saya begini supaya efisien."
"Efisien?? Bapak tidak tertib! Ngantri kok dari samping. Dimana-mana ngantri itu dari belakang, Pak!"
"Anda tidak usah repot urus saya. Nanti jadi lama! Lihat itu antrian panjang!" Suaranya meninggi.
"Ya jelas aja saya jadi ngurusin Bapak. Bapak gak tertib...," saya mencoba menahan emosi.
"Ya, sama saja lah mbak. Biasanya juga begini!" Suaranya tetap tinggi.
"Tidak tertib kok dibiasakan! Bapak ini gak bener. Yang lain sabar di belakang menunggu, Bapak seenaknya saja maju sementara saya belum selesai. Bagaimana sih??" Saya tidak tahan juga. Akhirnya, keras juga nada saya. 

"Ini mbak, tiketnya," suara petugas 'menengahi' adu mulut kami. Jujur saja, saya belum puas karena Bapak ini tidak merasa bersalah. Saya langsung menarik nafas dalam-dalam. Sore ini memang panas sekali dan mengantri selama 1 jam sebelum bisa dilayani petugas memang melelahkan. Langsung saya ambil tiket saya, memeriksa kembali data yang tertera, lalu mengucapkan terima kasih. Tak lupa, sebelum meninggalkan konter, saya menoleh ke sebelah kanan saya, dimana Bapak itu masih berdiri tanpa dosa.

"Bebek aja bisa ngantri, Pak. Gak malu sama Bebek??"
Dan saya berlalu. Ntah apa yang dikatakan Bapak itu setelah saya pergi. Saya rasa kalimat tadi sudah menuntaskan kejengkelan saya.

Selamat sore!